March 02, 2004

Designing a Democracy

There's an interesting article on elections from the MIT News Office. Go read it. The research highlighted compares elections to the baseball World Series, and notes that elections could be improved by taking a lesson from poker.

After the 2000 election fiasco, some elements of the popular press were complaining about the Electoral College, saying it should be eliminated. But democracy is a system, and the types of outcomes that are possible are governed by the rules of the system. The point made in the news-bit that "raw voting" republics (as opposed to those with a system like the Electoral College in the US) have not lasted for long highlights the fact that the design of the system is crucial to its stability and success.

Posted by Tom Nugent at March 2, 2004 11:11 PM

You look great, Elizabeth! Hang in there. They say that the harder the pregnancy/labor, the easier the baby, though I've never been sure if they're just trying to make it sound like there's a benefit. I'm sure that the very last thing you need in the world is more "advice", but you know that I don't have any self restraint, so I'm going to put my two cents in regardless! : ) Since you're stuck not doing much for now, you may as well try to focus on enjoying these last few days that you get to have Dorothy all to yourself. A couple of hours after Rebecca was born, it hit me that she would no longer be my little secret, hiding inside my belly and communicating only with me in ways that noone who wasn't watching (or touching me) knew about. I was really lonely, honestly. It may be hard to believe, but you'll miss her when she's on the outside. Of course, you'll actually get to touch her (and some day sleep on your belly!), so there's plenty more good than bad . . . !!!!

Looking forward to meeting her!

Lots of love,

Posted by: Brenda Jarrell at March 3, 2004 01:16 PM
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