March 05, 2004

March 5, 6pm update

The induction is going along, though slowly. They put Elizabeth on Pitocin starting around 11:30 this morning. They started her at 2 milliunits/minute (that's what the pump says, I think it's equivalent to 2 mL/hr), and brought it up in increments of 2 milliunits/minute. Right now (around 5:45pm), she's at 30, and the maximum they can raise it to is 40. The monitors say that she's been having contractions pretty regularly; the average seems to be 30-45 seconds every 2-3 minutes. The monitor isn't so good at judging intensity, but when she's having one, her entire front feels pretty tight. Everyone seems surprised, though, that she barely feels the contractions. Until recently, she didn't feel them at all, except by feeling the tummy tautness with her hand. Lately she's been feeling a little bit.

They'll probably keep increasing the dosage for a while. Depending on how she's doing later tonight, they might take her off the Pitocin and give her another application of prostaglandin gel, to help her progress more overnight. We'll probably find out around 7pm how her cervix is progressing.

Elizabeth has spent most of the afternoon reading (Vernor Vinge's "Deepness in the Sky"), laying in bed. I've spent the time hanging out, helping re-adjust her when necessary, getting water, etc., and I took a nap.

I'm almost certain that I'm not going home tonight, even if they do take her off the Pitocin. But if things are still slow in the morning tomorrow, I'll try to post an update.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Posted by Tom Nugent at March 5, 2004 05:54 PM

Thanks for the update....I've been checking often :o)

Posted by: Karen at March 5, 2004 06:33 PM

I just found your cat pictures!!! Unbelievably cute!

I was going to call Elizabeth and ask long questions about my research project thinking that would alleviate boredom... let me know if you 'd like that!

p.s. at some point I should write why I disagree that robots will doom us!

Posted by: anne m at March 5, 2004 07:58 PM

"Elizabeth has spent most of the afternoon reading (Vernor Vinge's "Deepness in the Sky")"

I don't know if I could concentrate that well while doing something like labor ... Vinge tends to be deep and layered. My hat is off to you, Elizabeth.

Posted by: Brian at March 5, 2004 09:03 PM

Hope the contractions remain in the background!!!! Mine did, and killer labor lasted only 1.5 hours-- just when you think you're gonna die, the baby comes out! Totally cool.

Thinking of you, wishing you the best, and hoping that Dorothy is on her way . . . .

Lots of love,

Posted by: Brenda at March 5, 2004 10:33 PM
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