March 12, 2004

Eat, Sleep, Poop

"Eat, Sleep, Poop" pretty much describes the life of a newborn, or at least of our newborn. Although there are sometimes when Dorothy will be in a state described as "quiet alertness" where she's very calmly laying there, with her big eyes wide open, just looking around and trying to figure out this whole world thing. She's particularly enchanting to look at when she's in such a state. I even got some good long direct eye-contact time yesterday, too.

I think we must be doing something wrong. The reason I say that is because not only have both of us managed to take showers on two consecutive days, but we also managed to get almost 8 hours of sleep last night. Although admittedly, it was broken up into 2-hour segments. :-) But today, 6 days after she was born, I'm not feeling as completely overwhelmed as at the start of this week. And doesn't everyone say that you're supposed to be sleep-deprived for months? Of course, I shouldn't extrapolate good times ahead just because of one good night...

Oh, and one more tidbit: Elizabeth's milk came in yesterday. Holy milk production, Batman!! The monsters we're referring to as "Boobzilla" have switched from colostrum to regular milk; Elizabeth is feeling a bit uncomfortable. And it's probably a good thing that Dorothy can't see too well yet -- I'd be terrified if I had to eat from something bigger than my head! :-)

Posted by Tom Nugent at March 12, 2004 03:35 PM


MONTHS!!!! I'm not a parent, and even I know that this sleepless period is supposed to extend for 18 years....minimum! For the record...that will put both of you into your 50's, and within a stone's throw of Social Security.

Posted by: Tom at March 12, 2004 06:45 PM

Since Social Security will have disappeared by the time we retire, we won't have to worry about throwing stones at it. :-)

Posted by: Tom Nugent at March 12, 2004 10:42 PM

As for boobie discomfort, it was the only reason I took pain meds LOL Hot showers will do wonders. Also, Dorothy may have trouble latching if so full. You might want to hand express some or pump to start letdown. Breastfeeding can be hard work, but you can do it :-)

Posted by: Karen at March 13, 2004 10:01 AM

Actually getting dressed and going out in public will be very interesting regarding breastfeeding.
I remember going to a good friend's wedding when you (Tom) were 9 days old and Grandma Dorothy babysat. I wore a dress with a white background and rather large, bright flowers all over it - good camouflage for leaks. There was a lot of trial and error at that time. The bonding with my baby was the biggest bonus ever. It maked it all worth it. Keep up the good work!

Posted by: Grandma Chris at March 13, 2004 02:00 PM
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