August 20, 2004

Report Card

The other day, Dorothy got her first report card. I know there's been a big push for accountability in schools recently, but this is ridiculous! :-)

Actually, she got a progress report. Apparently the kids at her daycare center get them every 3 months. The teachers report on what skills children usually develop around the baby's current age, and how she's doing on those various skills. So Dorothy (who was just over 5 months at the time) got a report on 3-6 Month skills. Overall, Dorothy is doing well. There were three levels of marking: "M" for "Mastered", "I" for "In Process" and "N" for "Not Even Close" (well, OK, maybe "N" stood for something a bit more tactful-sounding).

Dorothy only got 2 "N"s out of roughly 30 skills, one in "pulling herself into a crawling position" (she's still not at all off her tummy), and the other in "laughs at certain sounds" (although I think I've seen a bit of the latter at home). She got a few "I"s, one each in rolling tummy-to-back and back-to-tummy, plus ones in vocalizing consonants, "consistently directs a smile at familiar people," and "fusses when familiar people leave" (although we're not upset that she hasn't mastered that one yet).

Her "M"s were in all the other skills, including ones like "plays with fingers," "kicks actively" (my ribs are testament to that one), "recognizes a face," "coos," "opens mouth at sight of bottle," and "smiles broadly and often."

Babies of course all develop at different rates, and the "I"s and "N"s aren't cause for concern yet. We'll be giving her more tummy time and trying alternative ways to get her interested in rolling over.

Posted by Tom Nugent at August 20, 2004 11:54 AM

Tom forgot to mention one other listed skill that Dorothy has mastered: "Cries when bored". Fortunately, she can concentrate on many of her toys for quite a while before she gets bored. ;-)

Posted by: Elizabeth at August 20, 2004 01:15 PM


Try this:

Go out and get a really big bone.....then just stand over her, waving the bone and say "c'mon Dorothy....roll over...roll over."

I both owe me a smack next time you see me.

Actually, I like that "N" for "Not even close"...maybe that could replace the "F" that we give out in high school.

Posted by: Tom at August 20, 2004 06:05 PM
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