September 13, 2004

Open Again for Business

After giving Dorothy carrots for 3 days last week, we took a hiatus from solids again, since she wasn't very interested in them. Last night, we decided to try again, this time with green beans. I don't know if it was the different flavor, or the fact that a week had passed, or simply having Elizabeth hold Dorothy in her lap rather than putting her in the high chair, but we had success! The first few spoonfuls met with a closed mouth and lack of interest, but Dorothy didn't spit any of it out (which isn't to say that it was completely mess free, however). She eventually started opening her mouth when she saw me bringing in the next spoon-load of green beans. We were so excited (and relieved!) to have her be a willing participant in the solid-food experience, rather than having to cram them into her mouth. Who knows if things will go on this way? We'll find out tonight!

Posted by Tom Nugent at September 13, 2004 11:23 AM
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