September 13, 2004

This is so much nicer

Dorothy got her second "solid" food last night - pureed green beans. We thought it was going to be a disaster, since she started crying as soon as I strapped her into the high chair, while Tom was heating her food. Since she was so unhappy, we decided to feed her sitting in my lap, instead of in the chair (I was wearing my grungy clothes anyway).

She didn't want to let the spoon in her mouth for the first bite or two, but then she really seemed to get the hang of it. She started opening her mouth as the spoon came near, and actually gobbling down the veggies without spitting much out at all. She did get a moderate amount on her and my hands at one point when she grabbed the spoon, but then she licked it pretty much all off my hands and then hers (and she didn't get any on my clothes, and not too much on her bib, either). We only fed her 1/3 of a jar, but she ate it all, and probably would have taken more if we'd offered it.

We don't know whether green beans taste better than carrots, or she feels safer in my lap and more willing to try new things, or whether she's just a week older and more mature (doesn't sound like much, but a week is 4% of her life!). Or maybe she was just in a better mood. We'll try again tonight, and maybe change one or two of the variables, just to see how she responds.

Posted by Elizabeth Nugent at September 13, 2004 11:31 AM
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