December 06, 2004

That'll Teach Me To Open My Big Mouth

I spoke too soon. No sooner did I proclaim that we haven't been getting sick, when BAM! Dorothy gets sick. Then Elizabeth. And I'm getting worried about me.

Late Sunday afternoon, Dorothy started sounding a bit congested, and hoarse at times. We read the baby health books, and decided that the symptoms weren't too bad, so we didn't worry about it - we figured she just had a tiny cold. Monday morning, she was sounding worse, but I took her to daycare since she didn't have a temperature. They called back mid-day, saying that she was getting worse, couldn't sleep well, and had a temperature. :-P

So I made an appointment with the pediatrician, picked Dorothy up from daycare, and then took her in to the doctor's office a couple of hours later. By this time she was sounding very congested, and whenever she'd try to cry, it wouldn't come out very loud (a side benefit, I'll admit). She really sounded pathetic and sad. :-( The quick strep test came back negative, but the back of her throat is red and looks pretty raw. We'll find out in the morning how the full strep culture turned out, but in either case it looks like we'll have at least a few days of an unhappy baby, even after drugging her with baby Tylenol etc.

Posted by Tom Nugent at December 6, 2004 08:27 PM
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