December 09, 2004

Toys for All Species

Until now, the one item that Dorothy would reliably go for is the cordless phone. She'd reach for it, and even drag herself towards it. And since Sunday, when she started doing actual tummy-off-the-floor crawling, the cordless phone has been the main way of getting her to actually crawl.

But yesterday, while taking care of her during her illness, I decided to entertain her and the cats at the same time by using one of the cat toys. I chose one of the ones that is basically some feathers at the end of a string attached to a wand. Cobalt had lots of fun pouncing and swatting at the toy, but as I dragged it near Dorothy, she tried grabbing it too. She's not nearly as fast or coordinated as Cobalt yet, but she was having fun, and being distracted from being sick. Then I let it dangle near her, and as I'd slowly pull it away at the right speed, she started crawling after it.

So forget all that crap from Babies R Us. I guess I can just buy the baby's toys at PetCo from now on.

Posted by Tom Nugent at December 9, 2004 10:13 PM
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