February 27, 2005

Cobalt is a Goof, Reason #43

Cobalt (our male cat) is a goofball. Sometimes he seems like a dog stuck in a cat's body. The latest reason for our calling him a goof has to do with water.

Cobalt, like all cats, hates getting wet. If we drop a couple drops of water on him, he'll shake it off and go lick himself dry. And yet, water fascinates him. This evening while running the water for Dorothy's bath, he came in and peered over the edge of the tub at the running water. Then, when Dorothy was in the tub, he was sitting up on the edge, leaning over and peering down at the water. Elizabeth and I were (as always) sorely tempted to give him a nudge over the edge. But we refrained. At one time I did use one of Dorothy's bath toys to pour a small stream over his head, but he didn't even run away - he just moved further along the edge of the tub.

Some day, Cobalt's fascination with water will get him pushed into a bathtub, and then we'll see how he likes it.

Posted by Tom Nugent at February 27, 2005 09:58 PM

Could you highlight reasons 1-42?...I missed those

Posted by: Tom at February 28, 2005 12:13 PM

OK, "43" was chosen at random. :-) But various examples include his constant rolling on his back begging for tummy rubs (as opposed to most cats' tendency to claw anyone who gets too close to their tummy), rubbing up against Dorothy (esp. when she was younger) and being repeatedly surprised when she pulled his hair, being ungraceful at times, etc.

Posted by: Tom Nugent at February 28, 2005 12:17 PM

You forgot about playing fetch. And drooling.

Posted by: Elizabeth at February 28, 2005 09:16 PM

They do say that sometimes pets will emmulate their owners.

Posted by: Tom at March 2, 2005 06:55 AM
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