March 15, 2005


In the last week, Dorothy has developed the excessively cute habit of saying "hi" (but it's longer than a normal "hi", more like "haaiieee") to anything with a face. Raggedy Ann. The picture of the baby on her breakfast yogurt container. The pictures in her picture flip book (contains pictures of relatives). Her little MegaBlok Pooh-Bear and Eeyore. Et cetera.

Oddly, she says it less frequently to real, live people. Maybe we're just not as interesting...

Posted by Tom Nugent at March 15, 2005 09:12 AM

That's bordering on something you have to videotape Tom... Something to show to the boyfriend in 15-20 years and embarass the heck out of her. :-D

Not to mention; I'd like to see it too. Does she do it to the cats?

Posted by: Seth Matheson at March 15, 2005 09:17 AM

Yes, she occasionally will do it to the cats. :)

I'll see what I can do about video. It's not nearly as easy to "just do" as still photos.

Posted by: Tom Nugent at March 15, 2005 09:25 AM
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