April 19, 2005

Finer Motor Skills

Elizabeth and I were surprised by the latest development in Dorothy's fine motor skills. She's had a set of colored beads that are each about three inches across, with a tab on one end and a hole (maybe just over one-quarter inch?) on the other end. As we've seen (1, 2), she is recently able to put mega-blocks together (a skill that Elizabeth read generally didn't come until closer to 18 months). But today, Dorothy put two of the beads together (inserting the tab into the hole)! It takes relatively precise alignment to get them together, and so we were amazed when she just started doing it this evening.

I know I shouldn't brag about random developmental milestones Dorothy reaches (simple reporting should be enough for the grandparents and various friends), because different kids advance at different rates, and when they achieve any particular milestone has very little bearing on their future development. And I'll try to refrain from being obnoxious about it in the future. But it's just so cool! Next thing you know, she'll be juggling chainsaws or something...

Posted by Tom Nugent at April 19, 2005 08:29 PM

I hope you too haven't waited to get her into the University of Washington's Engineering School Pre-School program.....it's probably too late now since the waiting list is really long.

Who would have thunk that she would develop spatial and construction skills at so early an age....there's absolutely no sign of any ability in that area in her genetic makeup!

Posted by: Tom at April 20, 2005 04:40 AM
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