July 04, 2005

Happy Fourth

Brian, quoting another blogger,, talks about our armed forces and how lucky we are to have them, how proud of them we should be, and what we should be thinking about on this Fourth of July. A snippet:

I would be highly remiss to call any of the contrusions I’m facing – most of which I cannot describe in any detail, alas; patience – as “problems.” They are, at worst, situations, and at best opportunities. A “problem” is taking fire when you’re in a helicopter heading off to rescue comrades.
I never have to worry about who’s at the door, or why they’ve come. My heart never leaps when the doorknocker falls; my stomach never flips when the phone rings.

I am a modern happy American. I have no idea.

Posted by Tom Nugent at July 4, 2005 08:40 PM
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