July 29, 2005

The 18 / 18 Rule

Dorothy is just over one month away from an important transition point. A few years ago, a friend of mine (from way back when I was an undergrad), talking about children, told me:

You spend the first 18 months of their lives convincing them they're the center of the universe, and then the next 18 years convincing them they're not.

Dorothy turns 17 months old in another week. And come September 6th, her world is due for some reconfiguration.

Or maybe not. Grandparents' attitudes aside, how could we say "no" to this face?

Posted by Tom Nugent at July 29, 2005 08:45 PM

Practice! Practice! Practice! It's a tough job, but someone has to do it...and, by law, the grandparents aren't required to :)

Posted by: Grandma Chris at July 30, 2005 08:13 AM

Saying NO! to your child can be the most difficult thing a parent will ever have to do at times. However, over time, it will be the most rewarding thing you can do. It is especially dificult to say NO! when family and friends are saying yes, or questioning why you are so mean to your child.

I remember you telling us we were the meanest parents at Marist High School!

I also agree with Grandma Chris. Grandparents don't have to say no. (Thus, the problem with family I mentioned above.)

Posted by: Grandpa Tom at July 30, 2005 10:01 AM
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